To the Pissers!

PSP isser's that is!

We are a  fun loving group of PSP users,

from beginners, intermediates and advanced.

We do tutorials, tags, and stationery.  

No Scrippy please

  We will post 3 Tutorials a week, one at each level.  

Please do at least one, we will also post three


 these are done by everyone using your own imagination and ability!  

We will then post everyone's art here to our web page!

Sound like fun ... want to JOIN

Everyone has worked very hard on the tutorials, and all

art work remains the work of the artist ... so please do not

snag someone's work without permission!


We thank Shel for our much loved logo!!!

Weekly Tutorial Results Weekly Pisser Image Results
Week 1 WPI Week 1
Week 2

WPI Week 2

Week 3 WPI Week 3
Week 4 WPI Week 4
Week 5 WPI Week 5
Week 6 + 7 WPI Week 6 + 7
Week 8 + 9 WPI Week 8 + 9
Week 10 WPI Week 10
Week 25 none
Week 27 none
Week 28 none
Week 29 none
Week 30 none
Week 31 none

*all graphics remain the personal property of each artist and should not be used without his/her permission.



email us

Laura or Shel


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